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what is the general public's opinion regarding Mormonism?

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I feel like Mormon overall receives a lot of backlash a lot due to things like its church history, sexual abuse cover ups, or SEC fines,....what do you guys think?

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Polls have shown that Mormons are one of the most disliked religious groups in the US.


June 20, 2024 | Forum: r/religion

Why does there appear to be so much disapproval of Mormons from both Christians and atheists? Are they considered as a marginalised group?

Main Post: Why does there appear to be so much disapproval of Mormons from both Christians and atheists? Are they considered as a marginalised group?

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Mormons usually consider themselves Christians, in the sense that they believe in Jesus.

However, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka the Mormon Church) also goes "beyond" traditional Christianity. Specifically, they accept additional prophecies and religious scripture (e.g. The Book of Mormon) purportedly given to Joseph Smith by God in the woods in upstate New York in 1820.

Therefore, some traditional Christians -- whose scripture ends with the New Testament of the Bible and who don't accept The Book of Mormon as religious scripture -- believe that Mormons have been misled and/or aren't actual Christians.

As for atheists, they just disbelieve religion and the existence of deities in general. There's nothing that atheists particularly disbelieve more about Mormonism than they do about other religions.

February 18, 2024 | Forum: r/NoStupidQuestions

I moved to Salt Lake City what should I know about the Mormons

Main Post: I moved to Salt Lake City what should I know about the Mormons

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News reports give a skewed idea of what we are and what we believe. Even more so with the Book of Mormon musical.

I think many non-LDS in Salt Lake don't understand us. The majority of people in Salt Lake itself are non-LDS from what I gather. Outside there and Park City, it's majority LDS I think.

We sometimes get involved in our Mormon world, so pardon us if we seem cliquish.

I'm LDS but not from Utah and I think Utah LDS are a bit odd, although harmless.

We might try to convert you. Just say no thank you, if you want. We want to share the good things we feel we have, so be patient with that.

And actually "Mormon" is a term discouraged by current leaders, even though I've been using it here. The new best term is "Latter-Day Saints" or unofficially LDS.

Here are our basic beliefs:

Welcome. There are a lot of good things about Utah. Focus on those. That's what I do.

May 15, 2024 | Forum: r/latterdaysaints

What do different types of Mormons think about MomTok / Mormon Wives show?

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I’m Canadian and feel like Mormonism is a very American thing that I don’t fully understand / have a lot of experience with. Even as a public school teacher I never met a single Mormon student or family so I apologize if my question appears to be generalizing or offensive, as this is not my intention. I was raised Italian-Catholic though so I feel like I can relate to a lot of the struggles the women face when it comes to breaking with norms in a very deeply patriarchal / restrictive society where the women themselves often enforce a lot of the repression. So I’m wondering: what is the reaction of the American Mormon community to the show or to MomTok? I feel like these women are at least tying to portray a more mainstream version of what it can look like to be a Mormon in America in the 21st century, but I’m wondering do they represent how a lot of their generation of Mormons feel or want to live? Or are they outliers? And what about stricter or more traditional Mormons? What is their reaction to this seemingly disruptive portrayal of Mormon womanhood?

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I’m just going to throw out that only 1% of the American population identifies as Mormon. It’s not so much an American thing, as it is an Utah and surrounding area thing. I feel like people outside of the US watching this show forget how insanely huge the U.S. is, and a most of us outside of a couple cities in Utah have never been exposed to Mormonism.

September 24, 2024 | Forum: r/MormonWivesHulu